Written and directed by Tino Caspanello with Cinzia Muscolino
Date: Saturday 10 June at 19:30 \ 2017
Duration: 1 h
Fee: 15,00 euro
A true story, which came to light only a few years ago, which the protagonist kept silent until her death out of modesty and fear. We are in a small Sicilian village, in the early 1950s. The results of the recently ended war, an inattentive politics and an economy that never took off still force Sicilians to leave their homes. The protagonist, a meek and cheerful soul, devoted to educating the children she collected on the street, meets, for just once, one of the many emigrants who, from Argentina, has returned to spend a short vacation. And she is a promise of marriage, it is a journey, it is the “luck that comes from America”; but someone, to save himself, plays a trick on the woman, just as she is about to get off the ship that has just landed in the port of Buenos Aires; and the future, dreamed of and happy while waiting, turns into a painful present, which only a veil of poetry and alienation can alleviate. The text was written, translated and presented in French as a studio in Grenoble, during the RegardsCroisés festival in 2011.