Musical show with Costanza Paternò and Vincenzo Gangi
Date: Saturday 9 October 7:30 pm \ 2016
Duration: 1 h
Fee: 15,00 euros
A duo concert with Costanza Paternò on voice and classical guitar, Vincenzo Gangi on percussion, classical guitar, electric bass.
Costanza Paternò, Friulian singer-songwriter transplanted to Sicily, graduated in jazz singing, has taken part in important festivals, including Sicily Folk Festival and Sometimes in Winter, and has won various awards, such as the Fabrizio De Songwriter Award Andrè (2010) and Leontinoi Prize (2014). She presents to Erice the songs from her first album “Incostanza”, the result of the collaboration with Dounia and other musicians.
with Costanza Paternò & Vincenzo Gangi